Wednesday June 23rd:
Summer officially started 2 days ago!
And what better to much on in the
Sun than some succulent strawbs?
(no, not the haribo ones!
golly gosh!)
I'd like to say, 'Here are some I grew myself!'
but it was indeed the papa who planted them!
Some still have a wee bit to go
(I'm not even Scottish...OH WELL I like
the word 'wee' -in the sense 'little')
but some... ...are ripe and ready to be
plopped into the morning
(wow, I'm using a lot
of exlamation marks in this post
Now...back to
the one
the only
(physics exam tomorrow..
then chemistry on monday
and then
and to finish off this post,
I'd like to leave you lovelies a
hydration tip!
oh yes - big word :)
The summer sun has begun
(couldn't resist the rhyme,
do forgive my cheesiness)
(^couldn't help myself!)
Anyway, where was I?
oh yes..basically
-it's hot
-you get dehydrated
-you want to drink water
-you know you should drink
more than you actually do
I have the answer!
(for me, anyway ;)
Some people really don't like water
and say it has no taste etc etc
(maybe plop a starberry in
your glass next time?
..just a thought..ANYWAY-
gosh, I am distractable)
Personally, I find drinking water
pretty easy and second nature
as I don't drink much else!
I don't like juicy, fizzy drinks,
or milk on its own..
even so, I find drinking out
of a big glass such as a Guinness
glass :) and with a
(fabulous luminous green)
makes me drink so much quicker
and just makes it easier..and
in a way more fun, haha!
Try it if you're trying
to drink lots of water
(H2O is super healthy
and good for you,
I should really get my hands on
those curly straws I reckon
most of you remember from childhood:
okay, this was a
crazy long post,
if you got to this point
then have an orange
as a reward :D :D :D
(photo taken in Spain
this last Christmas :)
(and no, these aren't for you lazy little
skim readers!....I confess, I do it too
sometimes, so go on,
you can have an orange too!)
I must be in a very strange mood
- a delirious one indeed-
to offer people oranges through
the internet...hehe, well
this is me!
enjoy the sunshine